Utricularia delphinioides の栽培 Cultivation of Utricularia delphinioides
Utricularia delphinioides の栽培の様子を御紹介します。 I introduce the appearance of the cultivation of Utricularia delphinioides.
冬季の栽培 Cultivation in winter
まず、栽培環境の準備をします。 Set of postplanting environment.
It 20-25degree is underwater heater of the setting and hydroponics in the water tank in winter.
Because the high temperature is good, the water temperature is 22-25 degrees (heat of 20 degree in the water temperature + source of light).
It is a lighting by 1-2 fluorescent lamp lights for the tropical fish or LED lights as it is for 12-16 hours.
It illuminates it at nighttime because it means the temperature maintenance.
夏季の栽培 Cultivation in summer
It puts on the outside, it shades, and it grows it in summer.
ビデオ Utricularia delphinioides の栽培
もうしばらくお待ちください Please wait for a while.

- 2014/04/15
- 栽培ページ作成
- 2013/12/23
- ホームページリニューアル
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